Andi Lyn Kornfeld, LMFT is a Psychoanalyst in full time independent practice and holds the distinction of Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst. Andi graduated from the Adult Psychoanalysis program at the Institute of Psychoanalytic Education, (PANY) affiliated with NYU Medical School and has earned a second New York State license in Psychoanalysis. She holds the office of Assistant Institute Director, Contemporary Freudian Society, Licensed Psychoanalyst Program.
Prior to Andi’s post-graduate clinical training, she spent over fifteen years as a Senior Leader in Financial Services, primarily Capital Markets. Andi brings a vast and deep knowledge of the vicissitudes of career and executive life to her practice and finds that it enables her to best work with all that seek her expertise.
In her psychotherapy practice, Andi specializes in working with people who are committed to relieving their emotional difficulties through self-exploration under the guidance of a highly trained professional. Andi specializes in working with adults who have a wide variety of emotional problems such as anxiety, depression, work difficulties, troubled relationships, sexual concerns, and issues of self-esteem.
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